Some of us spend our days looking for our "why"—the reason for our existence. Some people are unsuccessful in their searches, while others are successful. Some have successfully identified their purpose but continue to deviate from it due to other interests. Here are some of the most significant advantages of knowing your "WHY"
It brings clarity to your life.
People with a strong sense of purpose are frequently regarded as unstoppable. They can shape their lives in the ways they desire. When you become laser-focused on your goals, there will be no doubt about what you are getting up every day to accomplish. Without knowing your purpose, on the other hand, you will be unsure of what you want out of life and will be prone to wasting your time on futile endeavours. It can lead to confusion and a lack of confidence in your work.
It fuels your desire to achieve your objectives.
When you understand your life's purpose, you are more committed to achieving your objectives. The idea is that you will never have to settle for anything less than what you want in life. Your ultimate goal is unlikely to be to work for someone else or to be someone's assistant. You most likely want to forge your path. Your enthusiasm will fuel this goal.
It keeps you focused on your objectives.
It is much easier to focus on what truly matters once you have identified your life's purpose. You'll be better prepared to avoid distractions and achieve your goals. This trait will be put to use in the workplace, at home, and in social situations.
Your goals must be important for you to stay focused on them. Your subconscious can try to trick you into thinking you want something when, in reality, these things do very little to help you live out your purpose. Let's say you're starting college and your life's passion is art.
However, because everyone you know is going into business or another less subjective field, you convince yourself that majoring in business is what you want to do because it is what you "should" do. However, doing so will prevent you from fulfilling your purpose. You won't waste time pursuing meaningless goals if you know what your "why" is.
It allows you to live a healthier and longer life.
Numerous studies have found that having a purpose in life leads to older adults living longer lives. It could be because when you live with a purpose, you adopt a prospective focus, anticipating the day when your purpose is realized. It reduces the influence of everyday stressors and has a smaller impact on your overall well-being.
It aids in the development of resilience.
People who have a stronger sense of purpose in life are better at finding meaning in setbacks than those who drift through life aimlessly. When you know your purpose, you have a sense of mastery that allows you to let go of anything in your life that is unrelated to your core values. It means that you can learn from your mistakes and recover quickly from adversity.